The mission-critical Field Service and Workforce Mobility Solution comprises with mobile computing and wireless infrastructure, it helps improve workforce productivity, decision-making, resources optimization and workflow management.
Our end-to-end solution integrated with forecasting, scheduling, planning, dispatching as well as reporting modules, and operated on real-time basis. System can dynamically provide related information to the office operator to dispatch any scheduled or ad-hoc work order to the right field technicians. Spare parts ordering and work order administration can be conducted via the mobile computer to eliminate paper work and increase efficiency. Moreover, the optimal route planning feature ensures field technicians arrived to the service site with shortest time and quickest routes.
The system not only mobilizes the business process with the real-time information sharing capabilities. But also streamlines work order process at service site and facilitates field technicians to complete the work order effectively and on time.

Accurately and rapidly identifying a patient and gaining access to the essential information are crucial to a prompt diagnosis, and sometimes life saving. Above all, slightly medication overdose would lead to life threatening of patients. Medical staff is working in high stress and data-intensive environments every day.
Mobile Point-of-Care Solutions help effectively identify patients to link them to obtain different points of treatments accurately as well as schedule nursing tasks and interventions. By leveraging mobile computing and wireless technologies, the barcode-enabled solutions facilitates the workflows of Medication Administration, Bedside Specimen Collection and Blood Transfusion Verification. Medical staff can simply scan patient’s wristband at the bedside to verify the patient identity and check against the medication, specimen samples, blood samples, administration time and dosage loaded from the central Electronic Medical Record System (EMR) on real-time, ensuring the right patient received the right treatment, with the right dose and at the right time.
As a result, the intelligent and reliable solutions deliver measurable performance through increasing patient safety, reducing risk of medical errors as well as improving nursing productivity for clinic management.

Mobile Point-Of-Sales (M-POS) Solution provides flexibility for retailers to engage customers and conduct transaction anywhere within the store. It increases interactions between customers and sales in order to drive incremental revenue and increase productivity in today’s fast pace retail environment.
Integrated with barcode scanning, signature capturing, mobile computing, wireless printing and wireless infrastructure, the time saving solution extended comprehensive Point-of-Sales (POS) functionalities into a mobile device. Therefore, no further user training required owing to the same business process flows as POS along with the intuitive user interface.
The queue busting feature facilitates convenient and secure mobile payment processing, and on the spot receipt printing to improve the efficiency of transaction processes. The precise product lookup feature provides instant price information, current stock quantity and product images. More importantly, the scalable system architecture and cross-platform compatible design of our M-POS, retailers can benefit from greater device flexibility.
The mobile solution not only shortens the waiting times for customers at checkout during peak hours but also enhances customer shopping experience and loyalty.

Mobile Proof-of-Delivery (M-POD) Solution provides end-to-end visibility of all phases of the delivery cycle on real-time basis – from point of dispatch to point of delivery. By leveraging wireless infrastructure, shippers, consignees and dispatch crew can retrieve the shipment status from the real-time centralized information platform.
The solution ensures accurate shipment delivery by quickly scan the barcodes of shipment items and using GPS to verify and confirm the delivery locations automatically. Delivery date, time and consignee’s signature of the shipment can be dynamically recorded in a mobile computer and updated to the backend system. The electronic signature capturing function enables real-time delivery confirmation for every single consignment and reduces heavy paper-based administrative work.
Workforce productivity can also be increased. The real-time job dispatching and route scheduling functions provide the optimal path at every stop and assign the ad-hoc work activities to the closest available vehicles resulting in maximizing fleet utilization and minimizing the use of fuel.